Simulator for testing the allocation of User Plane Function (UPF) entities in dynamic MEC scenarios
Simulator for testing the allocation of User Plane Function (UPF) entities in dynamic Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) scenarios. Users are connected to base stations and data connectivity is provided by the closest UPF.
The simulator allows the evaluation of algorithms for the dynamic allocation of UPFs and calculates the latency between each UE and its closest UPF.
usage: [-h] --algorithm ALGORITHM [--minUPFs MINUPFS] [--maxUPFs MAXUPFS] --bsFile BSFILE
--ueFile UEFILE [--iterationDuration ITERATIONDURATION]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--algorithm ALGORITHM
Specifies the UPF allocation algorithm [Supported: random/greedy_percentile/gr
--minUPFs MINUPFS Specifies the minimum number of UPFs to be allocated [Default: 1].
--maxUPFs MAXUPFS Specifies the maximum number of UPFs to be allocated [Default: 10].
--bsFile BSFILE File containing the information about the base stations [Format: each line
contains the id, x coordinate and y coordinate of a base station separated by
--ueFile UEFILE File containing the information about the users throughout the simulation
[Format: each line contains the timestamp, user id, x coordinate, y
coordinate, speed and, optionally, the base station id to which the user is
--iterationDuration ITERATIONDURATION
Duration of each time-slot [Default: 5].
The results are printed through the standard output stream with the following format:
Status messages are printed through the standard error stream in order to provide information about the current status of the simulation.
An additional algorithm named “algX” can be added to the simulator by implementing a method with the following signature:
def UPF_allocation_algX(G: nx.Graph, num_UPFs, BSs_with_UPF_previous, G_shortest_path_lengths, highest_bs_id)
The method must return a set of num_UPFs integers representing the IDs of the base stations where UPFs are going to be deployed in the next interval.
Copyright ⓒ 2021 Pablo Fondo Ferreiro, David Candal Ventureira
This simulator is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0). For more information see LICENSE.txt